Monday, January 07, 2008

Hillary as Maggie?

Andrew Sullivan is pissed off. Heres what he says

Thatcher never used her husband to climb up the greasy pole. From very modest beginnings, she got a chemistry degree and a law degree at a time when most women were home-makers. She was never the party establishment - always the insurgent. She spent her career telling people to look after themselves, not that she would take care of them with coddling government help. And she was a real feminist, the kind of woman leader who would never deploy the gender card to get her elected. Compared to Thatcher, Clinton is a political footnote.

I wholeheartedly agree. This echoes Peggy Noonan's
column from a while back. Dennis Thatcher was a good bloke, but his wifes success was born of her own mettle. She didn't argue that she should be elected because of her gender. She made a case based on merit.

Heres a favorite Hillary tactic: -HRC lashes out at someone
-She is called on it
-HRC and her surrogates say she is being called a "bitch" or they accuse others of attempting to imply that its due to her monthly bill.

Lady Thatcher took criticism head on, notice how she didnt portray herself as a weak woman, victim of attacks by men. Feminism will always be understood in the pop-culture way it is. Thatcher is the real Feminist as Hillary is just a big talker. As someone who considers himself a feminist, Im ok if most people never understand this. But Im not ok with a cynical, losing politician attempting to pose as an Iron Lady.

As a side note, Hillary's point was that Margaret Thatcher was one of the first to warn about global warming. This is proof to me that you dont have be have to be a flat-earther that denies global warming in order to be conservative. It looks that way in America but lets look globally for a second. Virtually every center-right political leader in the world accepts global warming. David Cameron in the UK, Canada's Stephen Harper, France's Nicolas Sarkozy. We can accept the greenhouse effect but look at free-market, private property, pro-growth methods to combatting it.

I think this concludes my monthly attempt to sound smart. i.e. my blog.


At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. It is so good to see you writing again, Josh!



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