Monday, June 02, 2008

We are all Danish

Today the  Taliban's  bombing of the Danish Embassy shows us why we are fighting a War on radical Islamic extremism.

This is about the Danish Government giving a newspaper the right to press, speech, and expression. If we are going to tell someone they shouldn't express their opinions because of threats, we might as well stop a "war on terrorism" now.

It may seem unnecessary to print a cartoon that is blatantly offensive to Islam. Indeed, we know what the reaction will be. However, we have seen the same types of offensive material to Christianity in media all around the world. Im not about to censor that speech. If we start restricting freedoms, censoring our speech, and allowing fear to control our decisions then the Salafists have gotten what they want. It would be a bigger blow than any destruction of people or property. The free world should show solidarity behind Western values. This is my show of solidarity:


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