Thursday, November 16, 2006

Old Content (conspiracy theories)

Im sure we've all seen the video of the plane hitting the Pentagon. You can see it on Im sure we've all seen the video of the plane hitting the Pentagon. You can see it on Judicial Watch

Whats really righteous about this is that it debunks the conspiracy theories. To say that somebody other than the Islamofascists are responsable insults the victims and their families. Its the equivalent of Ward Churchill saying "little Eichmans".

First of all, lets look at conspiracy theories generally. When somenone tells you that a various incident is a government do a little exercise. Imagine all the people that would have to know/be involved. If the CIA really did kill Kennedy and the Secret Service stood down, how many thousands would have to be complicit? No leaks? So when our kooky friends talk about the direction Kennedys head went and the hospital he was taken to, don't let them get down in the weeds! That goes for any theory.

Back to the Pentagon. If it really was a missle of some sort that hit the Pentagon, what about all the passengers on board the flight that were killed? Were they taken out back and slaughtered? Why in the hell would the twin towers actually be attacked by terrorists (and the White House for that matter) but the Pentagon under fire by the Government?

I love the fact that even the most mainstream liberals suggest through innuendo that Bush knew about 9/11. Not only is it hurtful, its just stupid.
There was a time when the right was the black helicopter crowd.
I for one, will never don the tin foil hat.


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