Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sarkozy closes it out

Nick Sarkozy is now up 55-45. Madame Royal is now finding out that xenophobic, anti-american rhetoric aren't enough to win. Her left-wing economics do not garner enough support to put her over the top. They are just not popular anymore. Sarkozy should treat his mandate as one for pro-growth policies. I think Sarko's law and order mentality will make it clear that immigrants are expected to be part of France. I think he understands the dangers of extreme multiculturalism.

Heres my prediction. Sarkozy will turn France around. It will boast one of the best economies of the third world. The 85% voter turnout in the first round says that the French are mad as hell and they arent gonna take it anymore. He will have a mandate for change. Sarkozy will go down as one of the great statesmen of the 21st century, and others in Western Europe will follow his lead.

I hope Sarkozy can make France proud of itself again. I love France I always will. I remember learning the language and how its architecture and culture are the envy of the world. Vive le France!


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