I saw Ben Stein's documentary today. The case for Intelligent Design science seems more convincing to me.
The vast majority of scientists believe Darwin's theory of evolution explains our creation. This can be argued, is a consensus. However, several credentialed scientists have been fired for submitting papers and articles in support of I.D. Is there a chill wind over this debate? I struggle to find a convincing incentive for the movie's demonstrated blacklisting of scientists and frankly journalists who lend support to I.D.
I think the scientific community is dominated by Darwinists who honestly believe that given the evidence, life is formed by evolution. I agree that Science is not there to debate anything, and needs to focus like a laser on the truth. If they feel someone is saying something that does not seek truth, I can see why they would lose their job. Hence, an incentive.
Academic Freedom only goes so far. But the consensus contention of the Darwinists is undermined by the fact of rank intimidation of anyone who challenges their orthodoxy. Darwin himself challenged the consensus at the time. Newton isn't the end all of Physics. How are we sure that Darwin can't be supplemented and have his findings expanded upon? I wonder how the world works in a harmonious fashion of systems, and how exactly life was on Earth to evolve to begin with? We have experts supporting I.D., the scientific community not being serious about its merits because the debate is "over", and several questions about the sufficiency of Darwin's theory. Given these doubts, it is more than reasonable to err on the side of Academic Freedom.
I didn't like Stein's point that Darwinism was used by the Nazis. He takes into the gas chambers of Dachau and has the German guide talk about how people were systematically killed. He shows how the Nazis believed in Darwinism and were therefore certain that the holocaust and eugenics were a force for good. This is fallacious and unfair. It is fallacious in that the images shown and explanations given are a play on emotion. It is unfair because there are plenty of honorable ideologies that have been used for horrific acts throughout history. For example, patriotism is born out of Fascism.
The beginning and end of the movie show Stein making a speech to a College audience. There is an allusion to the Berlin wall. A wall blocking any debate about I.D. At the end he gets a standing ovation. The image of the Berlin wall coming down is played. I admire the revolutionary attitude. The students cheered Stein as he challenged the party line of the Faculty. The wall needs to come down, and fast.